Our services

Supporting you at every step

We deliver creative solutions to support our clients through every step of their business journeys.

We provide our clients with a range of investment banking services, including M&A advisory and consulting, management advisory, acquisition financing, corporate divestitures, debt advisory, and distressed M&A.


Sell-side advice has represented the core of our client offering since our inception in 1976.

We deliver a hands-on, full-service sell-side solution for private company owners, financial sponsors and corporations.

Clients value our significant experience, deep sector knowledge and insight and international reach. In every assignment we seek to provide substantive support, preparation and analytical rigour, and orchestrate competitive but collaborative processes that achieve the best possible results.

We are experts in complex carve-out transactions for major groups, drawing on the unrivalled technical resources and capabilities across our advisory team.

Our CMA and Regulated M&A capability provides specialist support to prospective acquirers and sellers as well as regulators on potential ‘relevant merger situations’ as well as in areas such as foreign direct investment and specific regulated markets. This includes serving as a monitoring and divestiture trustee.

Discover our sell-side services


We assist corporates, financial sponsors and their portfolio companies on a retained basis to execute acquisition-led growth strategies, as well as advise on any associated fundraising.

We also provide “bid support” to private equity investors participating in formal sell-side processes, where our sector insight, broad network and transactional experience can bring a disproportionate likelihood of a successful acquisition, notwithstanding the competitive dynamics.

Discover our buy-side services

Debt Advisory & Refinancing Services

Our dedicated Debt Advisory team has strong relationships and comprehensive coverage across our market’s lending community.

We work closely with ambitious companies and private equity sponsors to achieve their debt funding requirements. We are uniquely positioned to arrange the most cost-competitive debt structures available in the market, quickly and discreetly.

In addition to standalone debt raisings, the team supports sell-side M&A processes where debt education or a ‘soft’ or ‘hard’ staple debt solution is required. 

Discover our debt advisory services

Equity Market Solutions

For clients seeking optionality - and the luxury of a choice between a public market listing, a private capital backed investment or a complete exit to a strategic partner - we are exceptionally well-placed to bring you the best that each option offers.

An early, detailed feasibility study enables us to focus your energies on the options that meet your goals and aspirations. Our independent status and ability to deliver all options enables us to guide you to the best outcome for you, without fear of conflict or compromise.

Discover our IPO and equity advisory services

Management Advisory

We advise management teams and boards in critical, high-consequence scenarios.

This includes management buy-outs and reinvestment alongside a new private equity owner in a secondary buy-out. We build close relationships with management to ensure their interests are protected and aligned.

Discover our management advisory services

Special Situations

Our dedicated Special Situations team helps clients develop, evaluate and execute accelerated M&A, refinancing and debt restructuring transactions confidently and quickly.

Our team has extensive experience across a range of situations, transaction sizes, ownership structures and stakeholder groups. Expertise includes debt-for-equity swaps and other negotiated balance sheet restructurings, for strong businesses with sub-optimal capital structures or businesses suffering momentary trading or operational challenges.

Discover our special situations services